Tom Hanks Compares Mister Rogers’ Sweater to Batman’s Suit

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood star Tom Hanks equates putting on his Mister Rogers costume to Bruce Wayne donning his Batman suit.

While appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to promote the Fred Rogers biopic, Hanks discussed what it was like to step into the shoes—and sweater—of the iconic children’s show host. “You put on that red sweater and blue shoes, you might as well be putting on Batman’s cape and cowl. You feel powerful,” said Hanks.”


Hanks wasn’t alone in his assessment either. “We shot this in Pittsburgh at WQED, the television station where they actually made it,” the actor continued. “To walk into that studio in a red sweater and blue shoes, people would be looking. The crew guys would be looking, and they would come over to look like, ‘Oh my God. It’s a sweater just like Fred wore!’ They were enamored with the power.”


A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood stars Tom Hanks and is in theaters now.


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