Marvel Wants Jon Bernthal’s Punisher In MCU Movies

The Punisher’s cancellation was understandably met with a considerable amount of backlash, but it wasn’t like we didn’t see it coming, with star Jon Bernthal even saying he was “at peace” with the possibility of it happening after season 2 premiered. Not to mention that after Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Daredevil all got the ax by Netflix, Frank Castle’s chances of survival were slim to none.


Still, given how popular the show and Bernthal’s take on the antihero is, fans have long asked themselves if there’s a chance we may see the Punisher again one day down the road. From what we understand, it’ll be at least a few years before any of the Defenders can show up in any non-Netflix production, but that doesn’t mean they can’t ever appear again in a future Marvel movie or TV show.


Kevin Feige wants Jon Bernthal to return as Frank Castle in future MCU films. It’s unclear which projects the Marvel Studios head wants him in, but one movie that we’ve heard the Punisher could appear in is the rumored Midnight Sons.


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