Could Chris Wood Be Returning To Supergirl As Mon-El

Supergirl has changed its main cast a lot over its five seasons on the air. Earlier this year, for instance, Mehcad Brooks left the show as James Olsen after being involved since season 1. The second half of season 5 will see an old regular return, though, in the form of Jeremy Jordan, who played Winn Schott until he exited the series in season 3. And as if that wasn’t exciting enough, we’re now hearing that another comeback is on the cards: Chris Wood, known to Arrowverse fans as Mon-El.

A source has informed me that Wood is set to return to Supergirl at some point. It’s unclear when exactly he’ll be back right now, but we’ve been told that he’ll definitely be seen on the show again. You could speculate that he’ll be dropping by later on in season 5, maybe in its final episodes, but we haven’t been able to confirm exactly when he’ll be back, or if he’ll be a guest star or return as a regular.


Of course, fans will know that Mon-El was introduced into the show in the finale of season 1, when a Kryptonian-esque pod crashed in National City. A prince of Krypton’s twin planet Daxam, Mon-El was initially arrogant and cocky but he became a hero thanks to Kara’s influence, who he also fell in love with. The last time we saw him, he’d returned to the 31st century with the Legion of Super-Heroes. Note that Winn went with the Legion at the same time, so Jordan’s return in season 5B presents an obvious link to Mon-El’s own comeback.


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