Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Servers Are Down

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available worldwide on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, finishing its worldwide release by going live in North America less than an hour ago. However, as you would expect, the servers are currently down as players flood in to try and get into a match of the new Call of Duty and start grinding out those levels. Developer Infinity Ward and Activision are both aware of the issue, and are currently working on addressing it, but it may be awhile before they are stable as players spam the log in all night.


“We’re actively investigating an issue where some players are unable to connect to Modern Warfare. Stay tuned for updates,” writes Activision on Twitter.


As you may know, this happens with virtually every launch of a big multiplayer game, and certainly happens just about every year to Call of Duty, but it’s usually fixed pretty quickly.


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